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This is an example of a consumer with subscription management. This tutorial will show how to use Remix to deploy this contract and get random numbers from it.

This tutorial will be conducted on the PlatON devnet2 network, the contract address and parameters information about the network can be found in Contract Parameters.

Table of contents

Note: This contract is both a Consumer and a subscription manager, and the owner of the subscription is this contract, not the address that created the contract. So you will be able to see the subscription information in the Subscription Management Dapp, but it will not appear in My Subscriptions page because you cannot import contract accounts into Metamask.

Deploy the ConsumerWithSubManager.sol contract​

Import Contract​

Click ConsumerWithSubManager.sol to open it in Remix, you will get this:


This contract imports the following dependencies:

  • VRFCoordinatorV2Interface.sol
  • VRFConsumerBaseV2.sol

Compile the VRFConsumerV2.sol contract​

Before you compile it, plevase check that the values of the KeyHash and Coordinator address in your contract are correct!

Right click on the contract file and select compile:


Deploy the contract​


  1. On the Remix left sidebar, click the Deploy & run transactions tab.

  2. select the Injected Provider - Metamask Environment.

  3. Select the ConsumerWithSubManager contract.

  4. Click the Deploy button. Then Metamask will detect your transaction and request to send it.

When you finish the contract deployment, you will find that you have completed the creation of the subscription, the creation of the consumer, and the addition of the consumer to the subscription.


Funds the subscription​

Find your subId in Subscription Management Dapp, connect to your wallet and click Add Funds to recharge for you subscription.


Request random values​

In remix to initiate a request by calling the requestRandomWords method. Before that, enter the number of random numbers you want in the input box.


When you see both Request and Request fulfilled transactions are successful on the Subscription Management Dapp page, like the following, it proves that you have successfully obtained the random number.


The random numbers are stored in s_randomWords, you can verify your results by querying the value of this parameter.

Analyze the ConsumerWithSubManager contract​

As a consumer of random numbers, the Consumer contract also has subscription management functions, including createSubscription, addConsumer, removeConsumer, and cancelSubscription. Therefore, this contract has the authority to manage subscriptions. You can split Consumer and Subscription Management according to your actual usage scenarios.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@realrancrypto/contracts@2.1.0/src/interfaces/VRFCoordinatorV2Interface.sol";
import "@realrancrypto/contracts@2.1.0/src/VRFConsumerBaseV2.sol";

contract ConsumerWithSubManager is VRFConsumerBaseV2 {

VRFCoordinatorV2Interface COORDINATOR;

// The proving key hash key associated with the bls public key
bytes32 keyHash = 0xefa695190d528bcfb742f4bc74f637209844727c71bcadf1e175aee94ded9d8e;

// Your subscription ID.
uint64 public s_subscriptionId;

// PlatON Devnet coordinator.
address vrfCoordinator = 0x3fB03626eDB28320cdD92656f1814b425D69d595;

// A reasonable default is 2000000, but this value could be different
// on other networks.
uint32 callbackGasLimit = 2000000;

// The default is 3, but you can set this higher.
uint16 requestConfirmations = 3;

uint256 public s_requestId;
address s_owner;

uint256[] public s_randomWords;

constructor() VRFConsumerBaseV2(vrfCoordinator) {
COORDINATOR = VRFCoordinatorV2Interface(vrfCoordinator);
s_owner = msg.sender;

// Assumes the subscription is funded sufficiently.
function requestRandomWords(uint32 numWords) external onlyOwner {
// Will revert if subscription is not set and funded.
s_requestId = COORDINATOR.requestRandomWords(

function fulfillRandomWords(
uint256, /* requestId */
uint256[] memory randomWords
) internal override {
s_randomWords = randomWords;

// Create a new subscription when the contract is initially deployed.
function createNewSubscription() private onlyOwner {
// Create a subscription with a new subscription ID.
address[] memory consumers = new address[](1);
consumers[0] = address(this);
s_subscriptionId = COORDINATOR.createSubscription();
// Add this contract as a consumer of its own subscription.
COORDINATOR.addConsumer(s_subscriptionId, consumers[0]);

function addConsumer(address consumerAddress) external onlyOwner {
// Add a consumer contract to the subscription.
COORDINATOR.addConsumer(s_subscriptionId, consumerAddress);

function removeConsumer(address consumerAddress) external onlyOwner {
// Remove a consumer contract from the subscription.
COORDINATOR.removeConsumer(s_subscriptionId, consumerAddress);

function cancelSubscription(address receivingWallet) external onlyOwner {
// Cancel the subscription and send the remaining Token to a wallet address.
// In this version, receivingWallet is a reserved field that users can fill out as they please.
COORDINATOR.cancelSubscription(s_subscriptionId, receivingWallet);
s_subscriptionId = 0;

modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == s_owner);

The contract includes the following parameters:

  • s_subscriptionId: the subscription ID.
  • keyHash: the proving key hash key associated with the bls public key.
  • vrfCoordinator: the address of the VRFCoordinator contract.
  • s_randomWords: used to store random values.

The contract includes the following functions:

  • createNewSubscription(): creates a new subscription and add the consumer itself to the subscription when the contract is initially deployed.
  • requestRandomWords(): requests random values asynchronously.
  • fulfillRandomWords(): receives random values and stores them with the contract.
  • addConsumer(): add a consumer contract to the subscription.
  • removeConsumer(): remove a consumer contract from the subscription.
  • cancelSubscription(): cancel the subscription.